Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hitchhiking on the Edge of Thought

A look at "Structure of Scientific Revolutions" by Kuhn provides us the stages of scientific investigations, and shows us that although science has been successful in making predictions within the theories, the prediction of the next new theory has been more difficult, and scale of the new theories have consistently come as a surprise. No one anticipated the revolution in thought brought by Newton, or Copernicus, Einstein or Dirac. If science is a prediction of the unknown from the known, what can Science predict about Science itself?

This column is dedicated to cross the barriers that thoughts enforce on us... And basically asks, and tries to answer, the questions: "Why didn't we think of it before? How can one anticipate and create the next revolution?" With an understanding of perspectives, and how they change across time, this is an attempt to make our perspectives flexible enough to grasp the nature of this horizon, without sacrificing reality or logic. To that end, this Hitchhiking series would be a no-holds-barred investigation of various viewpoints about science, including some obscure ones. Let the integration begin.