Tuesday, January 1, 2013

4. To Know or Not to Know

Taking leave of our blind friends, but retaining what they have taught us, let us now examine how we can apply those thoughts to the foundations of scientific thought, to find a way to overcome certain obstacles. We have seen that certain error-producing assumptions can be incorporated, which we will proceed to verify in more detail. To quickly recap, we identified that explaining an unknown strictly in terms of what is known, (and the resulting premature descriptions that come about), invoking the majority in order to decide the truth of the matter, and allowing an addition to the assumptions rather than a replacement of the assumptions, prove to be massive impediments to the scientific process. That is a weighty statement indeed, so I ask you to bear with me in examining them, after which we shall see if it has the backing of evidence.

First of all, what exactly is meant when I say “to restrict oneself to what is known”? It could be argued, that we after all only know what we know, and hence it is natural to describe new phenomena as extensions of old phenomena. But therein, as the saying goes, lies the rub… what we ought to be trying to do, is go into the unknown, without bias and without any sneaky assumptions. The assumption here is that “I am going to give preference to explaining this as an extension of what is known, rather than something totally unknown”. And if we pursue that, and ask what the reason is (other than ‘convenience’), for such an assumption, we reach a dead end. There is no reason to assume that new phenomena must, or must not, be explained by already existing laws. This part is crucial, as it means that in order to identify things correctly, when we encounter the unknown, we must ADMIT that it is NOT known, and hence make NO assumptions regarding whether or not the new explanation fits snugly within the existing assumptions.

You can extend this principle into its corollary, that of allowing new assumptions. When a piece of data comes into account that is contrary to expectations, one has two options: abandon previous assumption, OR, add a new assumption. If one has to abandon previous assumption, it is highly work- intensive! One has to redo everything based on a new set of assumptions, from scratch. If however one allows the addition of a new assumption, then one can go on building on the old foundation with some additional “props” to hold the structure steady.

Secondly, what is the reason the “majority scientific opinion” has come to exist? Scientifically examined, scientific opinion need NOT be “majority scientific opinion”. Of course, something true might be the majority scientific opinion; however the error lies in assuming that the reverse also holds: that the majority scientific opinion is true. It was shown in the previous article as to how the lone researcher generally has little support from the scientific establishment when their assumptions are questioned. And this due to no fault of any of the scientists, it is only because we have allowed “democracy” in scientific opinion, when it has no place there. And where democracy is, all the associated politics cannot be far behind. From the point of view of science it is irrelevant whether or not something is “accepted”… it needs to be true, and an independent investigator must be able to reach that truth. That is all there is to it.

Let us examine a couple of situations to test this on, which are probably staring us in the face. If one takes a jug of water, and heats it on a fire, it starts boiling at a certain point, and its temperature does not rise till all the water is converted to steam. This is a well known primary-school-level observation. Question: Why does that happen at ONE SPECIFIC temperature? If the explanation that the gaseous state exists when the molecules of water start jiggling around at a greater rate, then it must follow that there should not be two distinct phases, such as gas and liquid, but a continuous series of states, with the density changing all the way from liquid to gas. That is not observed, and we do have one specific point… in fact most materials are seen to be identified by their melting and boiling points.

Let us take a look at the explanation for the phenomenon. In thermodynamics, a new variable, called “enthalpy of evaporation”, is introduced, and it is said that the liquid needs that much energy in order to change its state. Note two points, however, we do NOT know why there is a specific amount of enthalpy of evaporation that is associated with water, NOR do we know, from the above explanation, why there are two distinct states, NOR do we know how to predict why water boils at 100 degrees celsius and not at -30. The “explanation” assumes that there are two states, and then goes ahead to characterize other quantities associated with it, bringing us back to square one. The entire subject of the existence of different states of matter is currently considered “settled” in the scientific circle, due to this thermodynamic explanation. The reader is encouraged to scour the literature to verify this for himself/herself.

Let us take another example. This one is a bigger fish: what gives rise to the first living cell from its constituents? The question is with respect to how the first living cell came to be, and we will not consider how that cell evolves etc. for the time being. Considering what we know from physical and chemical observations, where it is seen that the prevailing tendency of matter is to go “downhill” by minimizing the free energy: all events not involving cells go from a higher to lower state of that energy. It seems difficult to account for not just a cessation, but a reversal of that behavior, when it comes to a living reproducing cell unit: one cell becomes two, two becomes four, and so on.

There are numerous “side trains” of thought that go from this point on. One train says that it is not a simple question, as the scientific community has struggled with it for centuries. However, in keeping with our earlier principles, the simplicity or complexity of the question cannot be assumed, because the result is that the answer by the community is NOT KNOWN. Besides, science need not be a community phenomenon or an individual one; it just has to make sense with the facts. It might be easier to digest if the answer is complex, as that would mean that we did not miss something simple for centuries. However, from the standpoint of testing scientific validity, it has no part to play. A second train of thought is that the chemical processes that take place in some areas might be so complex that something like life might emerge from them. Observe here that the answer is not just hidden in “complexity”, but the assertion is made that it is nothing new. However, every observed physical and chemical phenomenon (other than those already taking part in reproducing cells) so far tells us that the reverse happens. Naturally, since all the physical and chemical processes in a cell are being subject to this principle: “The cell must survive and reproduce”, as long as we have no idea how that principle comes about, the processes appear complex.

To postulate that living behavior can arise solely from the functioning of physical and chemical systems would hence be tantamount to saying that by addition of natural numbers we can obtain subtraction of them as well. Here we find the classic case of a situation failing to confirm our assumptions, and not derivable from what we assume. And what, exactly, was that assumption? That only physical and chemical observations can be understood rationally, and therefore, to understand a living cell rationally, we need to explain it in terms of those processes. Just as the blind men assumed that since only hearing and touch etc can be understood by them, everything else must come within that domain. 

Hence, that assumption will have to be removed. The consequences of that, and whether or not we should replace that assumption will be discussed in the next article.